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October meeting


On a cold and windy night we were treated to a warm and entertaining speaker in Sarah from Yogamotiv.

Sarah gave a brief summary of the differences between Yoga and Pilates and actually how similar and complementary they can be for everyone. She also showed everyone can do yoga not just super bendy, athletic people!

Did you know the importance of strong toes to balance? Or how a simple exercise to make them stronger could help lessen the wobbles and improve the gait.  So there we were, up on our toes, spreading them wide and some of us still having a little wobble!

Or how learning to breathe in a controlled way can alleviate discomfort and stress....fears that we would be doing downward facing dog ot happy baby were alleviated and Sarah had us laughing with her humour and comments.

A good evening was had by all and several ladies took away cards for trial sessions.

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